What is NORMAL?

I had a question presented to me recently. It kind of took me by surprise, although considering the source, I have no clue as to why I was shocked. The question was "Why can't you just be normal?"

I have thought about that. For all I had ever known, I am "normal". My likes, dislikes, routines, etc are all things I am used to, things I have done for years. Not too many of those things have been questioned. I am not told I am weird or a freak, so what is wrong with me as I am?

 I decided to look the word up for clarification, and see if maybe I needed to go to elementary school with my children when they return in the fall.  So, thank you Google for your helpfulness here.

noun /ˈnôrməl/ 
normals, plural
  1. The usual, average, or typical state or condition
    • - her temperature was above normal
    • - the service will be back to normal next week
  2. A person who is physically or mentally healthy
    • A line at right angles to a given line or surface
      adjective /ˈnôrməl/ 
      1. Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected (of a person) Free from physical or mental disorders

      That definition being re-established for me lead to even more thinking. WHY would anyone WANT to be "normal"?  I am an individual. I don't want to be your "standard" or "typical" anything. I have never been one to strive to be "common" or anything that would be considered "cookie-cutter". I also think that everyone strive to a bit, well,...abnormal. Since when did uniqueness and individuality become an undesirable and unwanted thing? 
      Here are a few Synonyms for the word Normal:
       regular, standard, ordinary, common, usual, natural, perpendicular

      I don't know about anyone else, but I really don't find being seen as ordinary, common, or regular, a thing to compliment. I want to be extraordinary and  uncommon. You don't remember the "normal" people you happen to meet in this journey of life. You remember the ones who were abnormal. The ones who pushed your way of thinking, snuck ideas into your mind, made you see things in a new and unusual way.

            After much thought and mind searching, I decided I should see where exactly I did "fit", since I am not normal. I prefer knowing that I am something so much better than plain, boring, common, usual, or routine "normal". I am eccentric.  To quote you a bit of Wikipedia.com: Eccentric behavior is often considered whimsical or quirky. They are simply unconcerned by society's disapproval of their habits or beliefs. Many of history's most brilliant minds have displayed many unusual behaviors and habits. And my personal favorite: Eccentricity is often associated with genius, intellectual giftedness, or creativity. The individual's eccentric behavior is perceived to be the outward expression of their unique intelligence or creative impulse.[1] In this vein, the eccentric's habits are incomprehensible not because they are illogical or the result of madness, but because they stem from a mind so original that it cannot be conformed to societal norms. You see, I don't see things the way everyone else does. I like to look at things from a different angle, and until it was pointed out, I just assumed everyone saw and thought as did I. It is actually refreshing to know I am unique, definately NOT normal.
          So, I pose the thought again. Who wants to be normal?

        What my (almost) 2 year old has taught me.

        We could all stand to learn from a 2 year old.

        It's the small things that matter. My 2 year old has taught me that. In such a fast paced world, she has forced me to slow down. I have the privilege of having Claire as my boss. She is the youngest of my 4 children, a complete surprise and utter joy. You see, what is so wonderful about this age of 2 and should be remembered is not infact the "terrible twos", but something all together different. Let's call them the "terrific twos". What I have realized is that there is nothing terrible about it at all. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "Yeah right! You don't know my 2 year old!" No, I don't, but remember, this isn't my first rodeo.

        Let me introduce you to a world of wonder. Imagine you have only been on this Earth for 2 short years, everything is new and exciting to you. Claire reminds me of that daily. The little things I would over look, she forces me to re-examine. Who knew that an overturned laundry basket doubles wonderfully as a stage and over-sized building blocks can be your microphone? Apparently, Claire knew it.
        When is the last time you stopped to notice a flower growing in a sidewalk or delighted in the sight of the family dog (or dogs in our case) wearing a hat? Spend a day with Claire. You will learn that Great Dane's are really horses for the vertically challenged, kisses are meant for fixing boo-boos, and little feet in over-sized shoes equal big smiles.

        What I have decided is the reason this age is labeled as so "terrible" is because we are all so busy with so many other things that we tend not to realize that this little child isn't trying to disobey, aggrivate,or annoy, but instead, learn, explore, and enjoy. For example; I have spent many hours redirecting Claire away from our bookshelves, then one day it hit me. Why not give Claire her own shelf? She wasn't trying to misbehave and get into something that I had told her no so many times before. She just simply wanted to do as the grown-ups around her did. Select a book and sit down to look at it. So instead of yet again scolding her, I took her by the little hand and redirected her to her bookself that holds all of her own books. This pleased her greatly and a battle was solved with 2 winners. We both learned that day.
        Claire has also taught me that everyone deserves random hugs and kisses. I can't count the number of times during the day when I will be busy maintaining our household of 6, very busy in my own mind with dishes, laundry, or cooking and realize that I have someone wrapped around my legs. A quick hug and smile, just so I don't forget. I also remember the random times we will be sitting together, watching her favorite show, when all of a sudden, Claire turns her face to mine and gives me a quick kiss and hug. Just today right after that particular scenario happend, I realized that her little hand was wrapped around my thumb and her thumb was tracing the nail of mine. All I could think was, "How content a moment. What a perfect one." Claire loves me. Children love. They love openly and freely and ask nothing in return. They do not judge us on age, appearence, skin color, back ground, ability, or disability. They just love. If encouraged and taught properly, they will continue this radical way of thought that so many of us seem to forget about as we grow older.
        What a wonderful world we would live in if we could learn a thing or two from a 2 year old.
